
CRM on Twitter: August 2008

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As Twitter continues to evolve, the microblogging service has begun to suffer some growing pains of its own -- outages, downtimes, and scalability issues. Falling victim to its own popularity is a set of circumstances the CRM industry is well familiar with, so we gathered some recent tweets about CRM software and the troubles and frustrations users have been experiencing.

Want to follow CRM magazine on Twitter? You can find us at www.twitter.com/destinationCRM. To keep up with our annual destinationCRM conference, beijg held this month in New York, you can follow www.twitter.com/dCRM08 or track #dCRM08.

johngriffith: my customer database is dying; Oh lord wont you send me a new CRM, my friends they got Siebel my boss just wont spend... (credit J Joplin)

caroleking1: Why are US CRM software vendors so crap with their own customer and potential relationship management...

oOo_markus_oOo: I'm reading a blog post about twitters problems with mysql and how it was written as a CRM tool more than a messaging tool. w0wzers!

HighTechDad: ...Yarmis: 1/2 of CRM implementations have failed because not solved individual sales person's dilemma. Social should help.

ekopsala: Why don't people get the difference between a Customer Data Integration hub and a CRM platform?

basicrowan: Updating our CRM with client information. Trying to pretend we won't be switching again less than a year from now, making this effort moot.

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