Cloud-based CRM

Cloud-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems provide all types of organizations with powerful, flexible, and reliable CRM tools and resources. Cloud-based CRM tools are available to staff in the office and out in the field. Explore the latest news, analysis, and advice related to cloud-based CRM here.


The Leading Companies and Hottest Trends and Technologies in Customer Service, Marketing, and Sales: The 2024 CRM Top 100

CRM magazine presents its sixth annual rundown of the leading companies and hottest trends in customer relationship management.

The Top Customer Service Trends and Technologies for 2024: In Customer Service, AI Is Everywhere

Generative, conversational, predictive, and multimodal are among the AI flavors.

The Top Marketing Trends and Technologies for 2024: Marketers Adjust to Dramatic Market Shifts

AI remains a priority and a challenge.

The Top Sales Trends and Technologies for 2024: Tech Advances Let Sales Teams Thrive in a Difficult Economy

AI and omnichannel enable greater efficiency and productivity


IoT and CRM Synergy: Driving Customer Satisfaction to New Heights

The combination of IoT and CRM improves customer satisfaction by enabling real-time data-driven insights and customized interactions.

Meeting the Audience Where They Are: Advertiser Strategies for a Multiplatform World

It's no longer just about the quantity of ad placements; the focus is increasingly shifting toward the quality and relevance of these placements.

Experiential CRM: Designing Immersive Marketing Campaigns and Events

This approach aims not just to engage customers but to envelop them in the narrative and values of a brand.

It’s Time to Make AI More Human

Outlasting the AI hype means making AI more human.


CRM, AI, and Technology Investment: Too Much of a Good Thing?

Despite the countless dollars companies are spending on AI, the quality of the experiences they provide to customers continues to decline.

A Practical Approach to GenAI in the Contact Center

Start slowly with the technology—but definitely start.

Patriotism Aside, U.S. Operations Are a Good Idea

Onshoring can be costly upfront, but the service improvements will pay off.

5 Ways AI Can Enhance CX (and EX)

It's not a question of will you use AI, but when.

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