SumAll Adds Instagram Analytics
Web-based business analytics solution SumAll has added support for popular photo-sharing application Instagram to its fold of data sources that already include Facebook, Twitter, Google Analytics, PayPal, Magento, and eBay.
Applying visual analytics to social media platform and Web traffic performance, SumAll essentially shows marketers how one data source stacked up against another in terms of traffic and fluxes in revenue. The crux of the tool is that is that it also allows businesses to analyze sales and traffic data stemming from online sites or e-commerce sites.
"We've [seen interest] from Fortune 500s right down to the smaller guys, and even though they have different usage cases, they all have a very similar need—which is ease of onboarding an analytics tool and being able to view and simply interact with their data in a meaningful way," comments Catherine Gluckstein, president of SumAll. For instance, Gluckstein says one small-business owner who has 143,000 Facebook fans has been able to visualize that his "likes" were worth about 80 cents, while "advocacy" was worth more than one dollar.
For marketers, there is the ever-present challenge of quantifying social media campaigns and promotions, and SumAll looks to be the connection point between engagement and incurred revenues for SMB enterprises. Within a single dashboard, the platform displays data in a graphical manner with drag-and-drop functionality, filtering, and the ability to incorporate activity like site visits, bounces, total time on site, and return visits into measurement.
Gluckstein says SumAll's social integration with Instagram was something clients were asking for, and that 100 test users are reporting a stronger uptick in Instagram comments than Facebook "likes" in some instances. "If you think about it, it's not that surprising, because pictures are very engaging," Gluckstein adds. "What we've noticed with many of the marketers we're dealing with is they're saying, 'Instagram allows us to build our brand.'" Although SumAll does not currently track Pinterest data, Gluckstein says that an integration with that and Google AdWords are on the roadmap. SumAll announced its very first integration, with the Shopify e-commerce platform, last December.
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