Get Satisfaction Rolls Out Small-Business Solution
Digital community platform company Get Satisfaction has launched Get Satisfaction for Small Business, a solution tailored specifically to the community manager.
For enterprises large and small, the argument is that a well-watered online community can grow a more engaged audience, and since that audience can consist of customers, it can yield valuable insights for product development, marketing, or sales purposes.
Included in Get Satisfaction for Small Business is a Getting Started App, which guides community managers through a step-by-step process of setting up their company's community with logos, page descriptions, and links to support pages and social media sites. The app then walks the user through feeding the community with relevant content, and provides a tool to import email contacts and send blasts when a community is live and in action.
The solution also features built-in Community Health Analytics so that managers can measure things like "how many questions are being answered by other customers as opposed to employees," explains Scott Hirsch, vice president of product marketing for Get Satisfaction. Managers can also look at metrics on customer sentiment and common search terms.
The small-business solution features social integrations with Facebook and social monitoring platform HootSuite, which "makes it really easy to tweet a link to a topic in a Get Satisfaction (community) if a customer asks a question in Twitter," Hirsch says, acknowledging that the success of community managers rests in their ability to manage all of the communities their customers are present in. Get Satisfaction is integrated with CRM-related systems like and Zendesk.
While Get Satisfaction's earliest customers played heavily in the B2B tech space, Hirsch says the company has noticed more inbound traction from B2C businesses, particularly education, consumer goods companies, and food brands. Through a primary research process, the company found that marketers "were really interested in the SEO benefits of community" and bringing user-generated content into a community platform crawled by search engines. There has also been more interest around segmenting the customer base based on levels and degrees of community participation.
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