Biographical Information

Jim Dickie

research fellow, Sales Mastery

Jim Dickie is a research fellow for Sales Mastery, a research firm that specializes in benchmarking case study examples of how companies are leveraging technology to transform sales. He can be reached at or on Twitter @jimdickie.

Articles for Jim Dickie

An AI Answer to the Disturbing State of Sales

Too many companies are being complacent when it comes to branching out into AI.

The Business Case for Sales Technology Training

Your investment in sales enablement tools has to go beyond simply acquiring them.

Sales’ Big Challenge: Winning the Game

When it comes to B2B sales, here's a look at one thing that hasn't changed over the years, but needs to.

The Various Roles of Sales AI

How are sales organizations actually leveraging artificial intelligence?

Sales AI vs. Traditional CRM

In the battle of ROI, which one wins?

Writing Checks for CRM, or Writing Invisible Checks

The cost of under-investment is hidden but painful nonetheless.

Moving From CRM to VCRM

Sales organizations can't afford to overlook industry-specific solutions.

The CRM ‘Red Zone’ Challenge

Instead of focusing on more opportunities going into the funnel, emphasize contracts coming out of it.

2023 Is Not the Time to Underinvest in Sales Enablement

Cutting your way to revenue success in a down economy doesn't work.

CRM: System of Record or System of Engagement?

A survey reveals that how CRM is used can have a meaningful impact on sales.

The Case for Technology-Enabled Sales Coaching

The edge it provides is quite tangible.

The Genesis of AI for Sales Suites

Sales organizations are looking to artificial intelligence to tackle an array of challenges.

Evolving CRM from the Enterprise to the Extraprise

The goal: creating a community in which everyone contributes to their collective success.

Sales Enablement: It’s Time to Get Back to Basics

Sales success plummets when sales enablement efforts falter.

The Ethics Dilemma of AI for Sales

Artificial intelligence is an important CRM tool, but beware of biases and privacy issues.

Social CRM: Your Voice for Sharing Subject Matter Expertise

Potential buyers are turning to lots of influencers. You need to make them advocates for you.

Digital Sales Transformation: How Done Is Done?

COVID changed everything, but the change isn't over yet.

CRM at the Top of the Sales Funnel

Companies have big targets; so how do they hit them?

CRM Is Your Change Agent

With AI and machine learning in the mix, your system can adapt to the speed of change

Debug the Sales Process Now

Analytics can bring some clarity in a period of massive uncertainty

Is Your Business Tapping into All Available Data Sources?

Acquisition, automation, and augmentation can help overcome data management challenges

A Simple Way to Set Your 2020 CRM Enhancement Priorities

With hundreds of sales enablement solutions from which to choose, how do you assess what you truly need?

Early Adopters of AI for Sales See Tangible Results

Vendors are investing heavily in AI, and early returns suggest it's paying off already

With AI for Sales, Familiarity Breeds Respect

The more sales professionals look at AI for sales, the more they like what they see

AI Is Driving Sales Management’s Interest Across the Board

Not surprisingly, artificial intelligence is infusing every part of the sales process

4 Things to Know About the AI for Sales Marketplace

Artificial intelligence is fundamentally changing CRM, and it deserves your attention now

Analytical Advances Unlock the ‘How’ of Selling

Sales reps know what they need to do, but how to do it is a moving target

Small Businesses, Take Note: AI Is Ready for Prime Time

It's not just for big enterprises anymore. Even mom-and-pop shops can use AI to optimize sales

With Sales Effectiveness Down, Companies Should Rethink Their Sales Process

Despite major leaps in technology, sales performance trends remain disconcerting. It might be time to blow things up

To Get the Most from Your CRM, Pair It with Process

Strong CRM adoption is good, but not enough; you also need a formal, dynamic sales process

3 Things to Keep in Mind as AI Comes to Sales

Technical innovations are one thing, but companies need to consider AI's effect on their people

Dynamic Sales Coaching Can Help Your Players (Sales Reps) Win

Leaving your coaching to an informal process at the discretion of managers will lead to blown deals

Salespeople Face an Uphill Battle, and AI Is Ready to Help

Sales enablement divisions are gaining valuable technology partners.

Sales Is Like an Orchestra. Sales Enablement Is the Maestro

Multiple departments working at cross-purposes can sound a discordant note

CRM Might Require an Internal Sale—to Salespeople

Increasing adoption is a challenge, but demonstrating value can win reps over

Your CRM Framework Probably Needs to Grow

A survey of executives reveals the top sales tools

When, If Ever, Will Social Selling Really Sizzle?

The potential is there, but sales reps need more than just technology

Two Methods for Sales Training Reinforcement We’re Not Using

If you want sales reps to use (not lose) their training, turn to the devices they use every day

Data—the CRM Gold Mine We Continue to Ignore

Don't get so involved with system management that you miss the nuggets right under your nose

Sales Enablement Will Drive CRM Investment in 2016

This new catalyst for developers leverages the power of technology across many disciplines

Make Sure Your CRM Is Well Informed

Sales reps won't adopt your software if they don't trust its data

What We've Got Here Is Failure to Collaborate

If networking systems are underused, don't blame the technology

Can Configure, Price, and Quote Apps Be Sales' BFF?

Add the power of knowledge to your reps' sales arsenal.

Coaching Solutions Guide Reps to Sales Success

Innovation steps in where sales training leaves off.

Take the Intelligent Route to Lead Generation

Sales teams are adopting lead management roles.

A Case for Sales Coaching

When time is short, technology may have the solution.

The Adoption Rate Challenge

Give sales reps the right tools to drive CRM success.

Manage Forecasts with Metrics, Not Hunches

Look to big data, sales analytics for accurate insights.

The Mobile CRM R(evolution)

New options move focus from convenience to performance.

Taking SPM Out of the Dark Ages

New solutions remove barriers to payment plan success.

How Marketers Use Social CRM

Building leads and communities are the most popular trends.

Talking About Lead Generation

When it comes to making sales, technology is doing double duty.

Using CRM to Read Digital Buyer Intent

A decline in face-to-face selling calls for new solutions.

Sales Reps Find Strategic Aid with SAM

An underused technology offers huge potential.

Are the CRM Wars Really Over?

High usage doesn't equal high satisfaction.

Sales Collaboration: Can I Get a Little Help Here?

Keeping pace in a changing world.

Turbocharging CRM with Good Data

But only one-third of companies are using high-octane information

Mobile CRM: The Quiet Explosion

Growth is sparked by the iPad's popularity among businesses and the ability to send actionable insights to sales reps

Hiring Reps? Get Them a Digital Research Assistant

Sales intelligence systems help shorten ramp-up time

CRM’s Most Underutilized Feature

The industry needs to overcompensate for its tragic misuse of compensation management.

Managing to Succeed

Sales reps seem to get most of CRM's attention—but what about their bosses?

Has CRM Lost Its Revenue Mojo?

Innovation is the only thing that can help—and you may be overdue.

Avoid the Disaster of 2009

Learn from your failures to fine-tune lead generation efforts

The Integration Advantage

Unifying the sales process and the CRM system is essential.

CRM in the Palm of Your Hand

Three factors are combining to (finally) drive interest in mobile CRM.

Don’t Confuse Implementation with Adoption

Just because CRM deployments have spread doesn't mean they've succeeded.

2009-Era Sales Needs 2009-Era CRM

CSO Insights' Sales Performance Optimization '09: Barely half of all reps made quota last year. Something has got to change.

CRM on the Inside

What your inside sales team knows about selling, and what your field sales force needs to learn.

CRM: Your Personal Digital Assistant

New offerings can make your sales reps more productive.

The Poker Dynamics of CRM

CSO Insights' Sales Performance Optimization '08: Today's companies are finding a full house of technology options.

No Rest for the Wiki

Don't worry: If you're not wiki-ing yet, you will be soon.

Analyzing the Sales Process

We often find that CRM systems give sales managers numbers when what they really want is insight. Is CRM finally ready to demystify sales management?

Money Matters

New incentive management solutions deliver top-flight tracking and compensation information to companies and reps alike.

Fueling the CRM Engine

CSO Insights' Sales Performance Optimization '07: Sales reps are spinning their wheels waiting for sales knowledge and relevant management tools to be integrated.

Nobody Can Stop the Shopping

CRM project teams will continue to purchase technology throughout 2007.

Above the Sales Funnel

Increasing sales performance demands that lead generation optimization be top of mind.

Invest in CRM Beyond Applications

The right training--not more training--paves the road to success.

Demystifying CRM Adoption Rates

CSO Insights' Sales Performance Optimization '06: Four essential facts about end-user performance and buy-in.

What Does CRM Really Do to Help Salespeople?

More than 70 percent of firms show positive results from using CRM systems.

It May Cost More Than You Think

Many companies say their CRM system implementations are surpassing their initial time and budget expectations.

What's Hot, What's Not, and What's Next

At year end we evaluate the impact of SaaS, Siebel, and knowledge sharing and analytics.

Direct Marketing Trends for 2006

More companies are turning to the Web for targeted marketing efforts.

Demystifying the ROI of CRM

Know your biggest pain points and determine how damaging they can be to your business if left untreated.

A Little Help From Your Friends

A new crop of services firms helps solve data-related frustrations.

New Advances in the Hard Side of CRM

Consider replacing your desktop PC with a Tablet PC.

Is Social Networking an Overhyped Fad or a Useful Tool?

When put to the test, this sales and marketing application delivers.

Who's Who in the How of Sales

Vendors are stepping up to deliver tools that help reps sell.

What We're Not Putting Into CRM Systems

Most companies received passing marks...but we discovered six sales-knowledge gaps.

The Next CRM Evolution

The problem is that CRM focuses way too much on who and what, and not nearly enough on how.

The Bake-at-Home Version of CRM

These executives had a clear understanding of exactly what part of the sales process needed to be improved.

What Will Wake You Up at 3:00 A.M.?

Successfully managing CRM initiatives is a difficult job, and it may actually be getting harder.

Is CRM Contracting or Expanding?

A case can be made that the CRM market is contracting, but to focus on that trend is to miss a quiet expansion that is also occurring within the CRM world.

Turning the CRM Promise into Reality

Perspectives on changing how the game is played.

Companies Face Challenges in Increasing Sales Effectiveness

Jim Dickie takes a look at companies' admitted weaknesses in their sales force policies and procedures and suggests how to change them.

Why Companies Take the CRM Plunge

Despite the risk, the cost, and the time required to implement CRM, companies continue to take the plunge. What motivates them, and what do they hope to get out of it? A new survey provides some insight.

Evaluating CRM Solutions: What to Consider

Many companies are still struggling with how to evaluate CRM solutions. Jim Dickie sheds some light on the criteria firms are using to pick the right products and business partners to support their CRM initiative.

Motivating Your Sales Force to Accept CRM

Jim Dickie, managing partner for Insight Technology Group, explains why achieving a smooth transition into CRM means listening to and addressing the various needs of a reluctant sales force.

Five Predictions for CRM Sales Tools

Five predictions as to where CRM--and sales automation in particular--are headed in 2001.

Great CRM Hinges on Great Business Processes

Author and researcher Jim Dickie defines four levels of sophistication into which most companies fall, which determines their readiness for successful CRM projects.

Selling CRM Inside Your Company

One of the keys to successfully implementing a CRM project is getting your users to buy into the idea.

Dickie: Thorough Evaluation Is the First Step to P

The challenge picking the right CRM solution can seem overwhelming. With dozens of different classes of CRM tools (including opportunity management systems, configurators, marketing automation systems, call center applications and help desk systems) being brought to market by literally hundreds of vendors, how do you decide who to go with?

Survey Shows PRM Taking Off

Bob Thompson, president of Front Line Solutions, shares the results of a recent benchmark study on Partner Relationship Management (PRM) initiatives and their current roles in sales strategies.