CRM Evolution '09: All the Links You Need
NEW YORK — CRM magazine's annual CRM Evolution conference convened at the Marriott Marquis here this week, in conjunction with sister magazine Speech Technology's annual SpeechTEK event. This page has been updated throughout the week with links to all the announcements, stories, blogposts, and related content -- from CRM magazine as well as from external sources -- as each of those pieces goes live.
For starters, here are some links that will prove valuable throughout the week:
- The Speech Technology and CRM magazine editorial teams will be twittering throughout the conference.
Follow the CRM editorial team's live-twittering at the magazine's Twitter channel for specific coverage of the event:
Speech Technology's tweets can be found here:
- We've added a blogpost-compendium of all our tweets from the conference — The Tweetstream: CRM Evolution 2009 — the @CRMe09 Twitter channel and our own personal handles.
You may also find it useful to conduct a Twitter search for all the recent tweets containing the #CRMe09 hashtag:
We've archived all #CRMe09-hashtagged tweets from the conference itself here: CRM Evolution 2009 Tweets
(The hashtag for SpeechTEK? #STEK09.)
DAY ONE: Monday, August 24, 2009
Monday's keynote speech -- "The Voice of the Customer" -- will be by CRM evangelist Paul Greenberg (Event bio; bio and article bylines from CRM magazine; Twitter handle: @pgreenbe; Blog: PGreenblog; author of CRM at the Speed of Light, the 4th edition of which is due out in December).
Voice of The Customer: Speech Meets Larynx at #CRMe09 (by conference chair Paul Greenberg, posted Aug., 31, 2009)
A reflection by the keynote speaker includes his Slideshare presentation for the address.
News coverage:
Calling All Social Customers
KEYNOTE: Customers may control the conversation, but they do not control your business.
BONUS COVERAGE: Speech Technology (our sister magazine and co-located partner in the event here) also covered the Monday keynote: Customers Are Now Social Customers (
How to Sell More, Grow Your Business, and Defy the Economy
Sales and strategy luminaries offer tips for staying above ground -- and prospering -- during the downturn.
Get Salespeople Back to Selling
If only today's companies would measure on process -- not function -- they might create alignment across the organization.
Blog coverage:
How Macroeconomics Affect the Contact Center (by Christopher Musico)
Focusing on performance improvement, most companies are not "in the green."
Step Up From Satisfaction (by Jessica Tsai)
The 3 ways to grow profitability.
Around the Web:
CRM at the Speed of (Social)ite: Live from CRM Evolution in NYC (by Blake Landau, Customer Management IQ, @CustomerMgmtIQ)
Sitting on the floor of the CRM Evolution conference, away from people traffic, Paul Greenberg told me, “The only thing that makes most people happy is interacting in some way. Businesspeople are human, too…. That’s it. that’s all they are.”
Blake's podcast w/ @pgreenbe:
Paul Greenberg at CRMe09: It’s About The Social-Emotional Customer (by analyst Esteban Kolsky, @ekolsky, at his CRM Intelligence & Strategy blog)
The social revolution is not a business revolution; it’s a societal revolution that business needs to adapt to.
10 Essential Elements For Social Enterprise Apps (by CRMe09 presenter Ray Wang, @rwang0, Altimeter Group)
In advance of his Tuesday presentation, Wang outlines his take on what the social enterprise requires.
Recent Paul Greenberg articles in CRM magazine:
- Collaboration: The ''C'' in CRM CRM is changing, and you better change with it.
- Everything Is Social The word is everywhere now: social networks, social frameworks, social platforms.
- A Company Like Me It's going to take a very special kind of organization to truly make a personal connection with customers.
- Gather the Tools for Customer Engagement Social media is changing the face of CRM. Are you prepared?
- Life in the Fast Lane of Context Providing an experience requires a better understanding of your customers.
- Social Customers Want to Engage But are you prepared to let them?
- Managing Social Customers for Profit A new paradigm calls for a reassessment of an industry metric.
DAY TWO: Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tuesday's keynote -- "Best Voice Forward" -- will be delivered by noted thought leader Jeffrey Rayport, founder and chairman of Marketspace (Event bio; Twitter handle: @JRayport).
News coverage:
The Power of Voice
KEYNOTE: Stressing the need for speech throughout the enterprise, not just in the contact center.
BONUS COVERAGE: Speech Technology (our sister magazine and co-located partner in the event here) also covered the Tuesday keynote:
Creating a Digital Personality with Speech Technology
90 percent of new-customer interactions involve moments of truth that are delivered by technology or technology-enabling personnel.
The Future of Mobile Is Now
Mobile applications are bridging the gap between sales and CRM.
What B2B Marketers Can Learn From B2C
Whether marketers are hitting an individual or an enterprise, both are consumers and ultimately, share the mindset that "it's all about me."
The Secret to Continuous Customer Management
Altimeter Group Partner Ray "R" Wang clues in attendees on how customer data can lead to a connected enterprise — and why B2B is dead.
PRESENTER'S BLOGPOST: 10 Essential Elements For Social Enterprise Apps
In advance of his Tuesday presentation, Wang outlines his take on what the social enterprise requires.
Blog coverage:
Full Circle (by Christopher Musico)
One year after launching destinationCRMblog at last year’s conference, the customer experience remains an essential goal for companies.
The Socially Empowered Customer Wants You (by Lauren McKay)
Ever used the hashtag #scrm (Social CRM) on Twitter? You can thank Brent Leary for that.
CRM Playaz Take CRM Evolution (by Jessica Tsai)
Brent Leary, co-founder and partner of consultancy CRM Essentials, and Paul Greenberg, president of The 56 Group — also fondly known as the CRM Playaz — closed out the second day of CRM Evolution with perhaps its most entertaining session.
Around the Web:
The Return of Citizens As Customers: Reporting Live From CRM Evolution (by Blake Landau, Customer Management IQ, @CustomerMgmtIQ)
Art Hall, Alvarez & Marsal manager of customer relations, speaks about how government will now hold itself accountable to the same standards as the private sector.
Best Practices: Debunking 8 CRM Myths (guest-post by Erin Kinikin at Altimeter Group Partner Ray Wang's blog, A Software Insider’s Point of View)
CRM benefits are still oversold, and the work and time (and organizational change) required is still woefully underestimated.
DAY THREE: Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Wednesday's closing keynote panel -- "Web 2.0 Meets CRM" -- will be moderated by Paul Greenberg, and will feature these panelists:
• Denis Pombriant, founder and managing principal of Beagle Research Group (Event Bio; bio and article bylines from CRM magazine; Twitter handle @DenisPombriant); and
• Clara Shih, author of The Facebook Era (which was excerpted in the June 2009 Social Media issue of CRM magazine) and CEO of Hearsay Labs (Event bio; bio and article bylines from CRM magazine; Twitter handle: @clarashih).
News coverage:
Social CRM Showdown
Two sets of panelists take the stage to confer on social CRM — where we are now and where we may be headed.
Customer Intimacy and Operational Excellence Drive Innovation
CRM thought leader Denis Pombriant traces the origins of customer experience, and suggests it should not be our sole focus.
BONUS: Pombriant's own blogpost on the subject: Customer experience old as the hills
Speech Poised to Dominate Mobile Market
SpeechTEK 2009: Instead of forcing users to navigate dozens of smartphone icons, one presenter warns, the dominant interface of the future will be voice.
Running Your Speech Solutions Clean in Lean Times
SpeechTEK 2009: Presenters suggest that, even in a time of lowered budgets, it's possible to achieve implementations of high value.
Speech Is My Copilot 
SpeechTEK 2009: A Continental Airlines executive boasts of her industry's only interactive-voice check-in.
The Advantages of On-Demand Speech Technology
SpeechTEK 2009: This year's closing keynote panel examines speech solutions delivered via the software-as-a-service model.
Blog coverage:
Government 2.0 Forges Ahead (by Christopher Musico)
As CRM continues to evolve, the technology used by governmental, nonprofit, and commercial organizations will continue to overlap.
Not Your Kids’ Phones (by Jessica Tsai)
Is your mobile device an integral part of your life? For 87 percent of Americans, it is.
Around the Web:
CRM Playaz: The (almost) weekly conversation hosted by Brent Leary & Paul Greenberg, one unofficial session of which took place at CRM Evolution. The most-recent two episodes, in advance of the conference, but very much on point:
Latest Market Trends Impacting Contact Center Strategy (LinkedIn: SlideShare presentation by CRMe09 presenter Art Hall)
CRM failure: An ounce of prevention (by CRMe09 presenter Michael Krigsman, including his slideshow)
BONUS: CRM failure: An all-star analyst discussion — A pre-#CRMe09 podcast with Michael Krigsman, Paul Greenberg, and Forrester analysts William Band and Natalie Petouhoff.
Why Every Social CRM Initiative Needs An MDM Backbone (by CRMe09 presenter Ray Wang, of Altimeter Group)
18 Emerging Topics at the Intersection of Business and IT in 2009 (by Dion Hinchcliffe, @dhinchcliffe)
Social CRM: The world of customer relationship management is getting a big Web 2.0 makeover this year.
CRM in Latin America - #CRMe09 (Presenter Jesus Hoyos' Slideshare deck for his session)
BONUS CONTENT: The State Of CRM in Latin America (March 2009 guest-blog by Jesus Hoyos at Paul Greenberg's PGreenblog)
There is a great market in Latin America for CRM products that target collection and billing processes.
Podcast at #CRMe09 with Brent Leary (by CRMe09 presenter Jesus Hoyos, @jesus_hoyos)
[NOTE: introduction is in Spanish, but interview is in English.]
And, speaking of Brent Leary:
A Word Or Two About Evolution, is a #CRMe09 postscript from his "Social CRM Blog."
Another #CRMe09 postscript, this one by our old friend, Marshall lager, founder and managing principal at Third Idea Consulting:
After-Action Report 1: CRM Evolution '09
And one more #CRMe09 postscript, from Anneke Seley, CEO and founder of Phone Works, a sales strategy and implementation consultancy:
Can a Kinder, Gentler Sales 2.0 Rep Still Make Quota? (from The Sales 2.0 Advocate, a blog Seley contributes to)
The recurring message of #CRMe09 was clear: The new era of Sales 2.0 requires that we change the way we sell in acknowledgement of the emergence of the new social customers.
Podcast at #CRMe09 with Sanjay Dholakia, chief marketing officer, Lithium Technologies (by CRMe09 presenter Jesus Hoyos)
[NOTE: introduction is in Spanish, but interview is in English.]
Speaking of Lithium Technologies, one of CRM magazine's Rising Stars this year, here are two recent contributing factors:
Lithium Reinvents Itself as a Social CRM (ReadWriteEnterprise, July 18, 2009)
Lithium Acquires Community Moderation Know-how from Keibi Technologies (ReadWriteEnterprise, June 2, 2009)
What I Liked, Loved, and Gotta Have Right Now from #CRMe09 (by analyst Esteban Kolsky, @ekolsky, at his CRM Intelligence & Strategy blog)
What a difference a year (and a new chairman) makes. I won’t be able to post an article for each session I liked because they were too many.
And, speaking of Esteban Kolsky:
Behind the CRM Thought Leaders: Esteban Kolsky (by John F. Moore)
News relevant to the customer relationship management industry is posted several times a day on, in addition to the news section Insight that appears every month in the pages of CRM magazine. You may leave a public comment regarding this article by clicking on "Comments" at the top; to contact the editors, please email
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