BrightContext Releases Real-Time Data Processing and Visualization Platform
Analyzing streams of big data in real time and incorporating it onto Web sites and mobile apps is no easy task. It is typically a time-consuming process that requires investments in large system infrastructure. An Arlington, Va.–based start-up called BrightContext aims to change that by offering a cloud-based platform that allows developers to compute and display real-time data feeds with minimal work.
As an example of how the platform can be used, BrightContext cofounder John Funge provided a demonstration of an election meter application for television viewers. The application, which was built on the platform, enables millions of viewers to vote on an issue using a mobile device, and have their votes processed in real time according to various demographic settings. A map of the country, for example, could then be lit showing the voters' sentiments by state.
"Social TV is just the tip of the iceberg," Funge says. "This type of interaction can be used around other live events, like sports, or for business metrics, gaming, and mobile uses."
The company offers two main products on its platform that can be used independently or together: QuantChannels, for real-time data processing and data push, and ThruChannels, for data transmission and broadcasting. The platform includes a Web-based backend and management dashboards to set up projects, as well as an application programming interface and software development kits that allow users to integrate data visualizations into apps for various devices and operating systems.
This is the third Internet start-up for Funge and his partner, Leo Scott. A previous company,, was acquired by Scripps Networks, the company behind HGTV, Food Network, and Travel Channel. BrightContext has raised $1.7 million in funding from Southern Capitol Ventures, the founders of comScore, and angel investor Bobby Yazdani, among others.
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