  • January 25, 2023
  • By Kellie Walenciak, global head of marketing and communications, Televerde

3 Great Ways to Amplify Your Content

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Every day, I’m amazed at the amount of content we have available to us. Not a day goes by where I don’t encounter a thought-provoking, relevant, or insightful piece of content. And the remarkable thing is that I often don’t have to look very hard to find something that resonates with me. As a consumer of content, I think that’s wonderful. As someone who creates content and leads other content creators, I understand how hard it can be to amplify your content above the rest.

Within the marketing organization in your company, I’m sure there are some excellent content creators, producing exactly the kind of content your customers and prospects would love to read. Unfortunately, I’ve learned that you can produce the best piece anyone has ever seen, but it won’t matter if it doesn’t reach the right audience. Converge found in their Content Amplification Report 2021 that 85 percent of respondents say they aren’t spending sufficient time on content amplification, mostly because there was not enough time due to other tasks that needed to be completed. Furthermore, despite not having enough time, 90 percent of respondents said that content amplification had a positive impact on their marketing strategy.

Your company needs you to make some big noise about what you do. If your volume is set at one, nobody will hear what you have to say. In the same way, if you want the right customers seeing your content, you have to focus on content amplification. Here are some ways to ensure your content is being seen by the right people and through the right channel.

Guest Posting

Guest posts can be very influential in reaching a target market. By publishing an article in a relevant industry publication, you’ll reach people who might not otherwise see the content you’re trying to get out there. Guest posting can allow you to leverage your position as an industry expert to influence the decisions of your target market.

Make sure you have an original, well-thought-out post that will capture the attention of the people you’re attempting to reach. Both content and author are key—you’ll find that if you’re trying to reach other CFOs, you more than likely want the post to be by your own CFO. Once you have the perfect piece of content and an ideal author, you’ll need to get it placed in a publication that is relevant to the industry you want to reach. By doing so, you’ll reach people with industry-specific knowledge who are likely to be decision makers, and who might connect well with your brand.

Now that you have the right content, author, and publication, the final piece is to share. Share the post with your own network and on your own sites. Not only will this allow your current customers or people already familiar with your brand to see the posts, but others searching for the post will see your company and be able to further connect with your brand.


Collaboration could mean many different things. You could find someone well known in your industry to give you quotes or opinions that you can use in your content. You could collaborate with a well-established client or business partner to create case studies or videos that might draw new clients in. You could also partner with influencers to create content that might appeal to their fans and followers.

If you want to connect with prospects or even current customers, having a quote or testimonial showcasing results your brand has achieved can make all the difference. This is true of any business in any industry. Your company can leverage what it’s done for one client to appeal to clients in need of similar results. Your prospects know what their needs are. They want to see how you helped other businesses that look like theirs, and to hear from voices they trust. Leveraging a big name in the industry you’re attempting to reach can help with this, whether you name-drop one of your biggest clients or choose a prominent influencer to help tell your story. If you have a product to promote and want to reach a curated audience, finding a leading influencer in that space and collaborating with them is a tried-and-true way to maximize your reach. No matter which approaches you take, you have everything to gain by having more voices to tell your story.

Social Media

Social media is a great tool to help get the word out. Creating quality social content to appeal to your audience can lead to valuable shares, comments, and more. Some things that might be successful on social media include contests and giveaways, exclusive groups, and both promotional and informational videos. However, you can’t only settle for basic organic reach on social media.

Paid ads are a great way to get your content to those who might not get it otherwise. Promote your posts on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, or any other network and you’ll see your reach grow. The average organic reach rate on Facebook is 6.4 pecent of your page’s followers, but the average paid reach is around 4 times higher. Another way to amplify your content is with a great employee advocacy campaign as part of your marketing strategy. Not only is employee advocacy a cost-effective way to amplify your brand’s voice, but having employee buy-in can positively affect how your brand is perceived.

Content amplification can feel daunting, but it doesn’t have to be hard.

While there are many ways to amplify content, these are three of the biggest my team has seen success with in making noise about our own company and what we do. If you are looking to add a boost to your own content strategy, try these tactics for yourself. I’m confident you’ll be pleased with the results.

Kellie Walenciak is the global head of marketing and communications for Televerde, a global revenue creation partner supporting marketing, sales and customer success for B2B businesses around the world.

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