  • June 9, 2022

ActiveCampaign Adds Custom Objects Building Functionality

ActiveCampaign has added functionality to its customer experience automation platform that allows users to build their own custom objects directly within the app, no coding required.

This new functionality lets users extend contacts, accounts, and deals with their own data, model data to their unique business needs, and take action on it through automations, email personalization, lead generation forms, reporting and more.

With ActiveCampaign, businesses can connect to app integrations that leverage custom objects like Salesforce, Zendesk Support, Calendly, DocuSign, or Eventbrite or build custom objects to support their own use cases.

"At ActiveCampaign, we know that data is at the heart of every growing business. Companies of all sizes use this information to make decisions, streamline operations, and develop winning ideas that accelerate their growth," said Jason VandeBoom, founder and CEO of ActiveCampaign, in a statement. "That's why out of all the momentum at the company this quarter, a highlight is making custom objects available to our customers in app without needing API or developer knowledge. We know organizing and taking action on information about customers, prospects, and sales leads is what powers every area of our customers' businesses. We are thrilled to make this accessible."

"ActiveCampaign's custom objects open up so many different use cases for our customers and us," said Eric Melchor, partnership ambassador at Bonjoro, in a statement. "For instance, being able to segment contacts based on their engagement with Bonjoro videos and triggering automations in ActiveCampaign using that data is powerful. The fact that we will now be able to build our own custom objects directly in the app without any coding required is a game-changer."

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