  • May 5, 2020

Outreach Introduces Outreach Kaia, a Sales AI Assistant

Outreach, a sales engagement platform provider, has launched Outreach Kaia (Knowledge AI Assistant), a real-time, voice-enabled knowledge assistant powered by artificial intelligence (AI) for sales reps. The new product was unveiled at Outreach's Unleash Virtual Summit 2020 before an audience of more than 10,000 sales professionals.

Outreach Kaia brings together intelligent sales enablement, advanced automation that streamlines tasks, and out-of-the-box capabilities that help sales reps conduct meetings and follow up.

Outreach Kaia's key features include the following:

  • Web conferencing integration: Outreach Kaia is integrated into Zoom and includes support for video recording with screen share.
  • Real-time call recording and transcription: Sub-second call recording and speech-to-text transcription accurately capture the sales conversation as it happens. Transcriptions can be searched or reviewed after the call for training and coaching.
  • Flashcards: Questions raised by prospects during meetings are answered by Outreach Kaia with prompt, on-screen Content Cards. People Cards provide sales reps with real-time knowledge about stakeholders.
  • Action Items: Critical sales tasks and action items are automatically captured in real-time as they occur during the conversation and are included in the meeting summary.
  • Meeting Summary: A meeting summary is automatically created and sent to the rep with a list of meeting attendees, action items, and notes. The meeting summary can then be personalized and quickly emailed to all stakeholders.
  • Bookmarks and Notes: Key moments during the meeting can be bookmarked by reps in real time.
  • Security and Privacy: Participants are alerted to recordings prior to and at the beginning of the meeting. Recordings and transcripts are securely stored within Outreach, which has enterprise-grade security measures already in place.

"I've been waiting five years for Outreach Kaia. This is the most powerful tool to be introduced in the sales industry in a long time, and we are very excited to be bringing the next generation of sales technology to life," said Manny Medina, CEO of Outreach, in a statement. "Now more than ever, sales teams need Outreach Kaia, especially when so many of them are working remotely. Outreach Kaia's ability to surface real-time information exactly when a sales rep needs it during a live conversation is powerful.

"Imagine you're on a sales call and someone asks you a question about your product or your competitor's pricing and you don't know the answer. Well, Outreach Kaia will automatically pull up the information you need in real time," Medina continued. "This level of intelligent assistance will make sales teams productive immediately. Outreach already drives a nearly five times the return for our customers. Now, with Outreach Kaia we expect that ROI to soar."

Outreach Kaia will be available in beta in the summer and fully integrated into the Outreach platform later this year.

Along with Outreach Kaia, Outreach at its virtual summit unveiled several other platform enhancements, including the following:

  • Sequence Intent Reporting: This feature in Outreach's Amplify AI suite uses machine learning to classify the intent of prospects' email into granular categories. It classifies responses into positive, objections, referrals, and unsubscribe requests.
  • Outreach Voice Connectors: Now sales professionals can call their customers within Outreach. With new integrations with IP telephony solutions like Dialpad and RingCentral, sales reps can launch their inbound or outbound call tasks within Outreach seamlessly, and have that call data collected in Outreach.
  • Buyer Intent Scores featuring Bombora.

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