Social CRM > Viewpoints

Social CRM, or social relationship management enhances the customer relationship and lead interactions through the use of social networking on sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook.

Unlocking the Power of Intent Data

Intent data not only revolutionizes sales and marketing strategies by providing critical, timely insights into specific customer interests and behaviors, but its spikes can also depict major company decision-making in real time.

Building Expertise to Grow B2B Engagement: It's Not Just for Google Anymore

B2B marketers looking to build brand clout have more options than Google. Get your organic strategy in line with the 2024 search landscape.

Meeting the Audience Where They Are: Advertiser Strategies for a Multiplatform World

It's no longer just about the quantity of ad placements; the focus is increasingly shifting toward the quality and relevance of these placements.

Experiential CRM: Designing Immersive Marketing Campaigns and Events

This approach aims not just to engage customers but to envelop them in the narrative and values of a brand.

The (Natural) Language of Marketing

NLP and NLU underpin effective generative AI for marketers.

For Marketing Success in 2024, Prioritize Customer Trust

Listening to your customers, taking action on feedback, and building a customer community helps you strengthen trust and long-term loyalty.

The Rise of Social Commerce: Redefining Retail in a Marketplace-Driven World

As social and marketplace shopping converge, retailers need to update their marketing strategies to reflect the new reality—such as the need for stronger brand protection, accessible and responsive customer service, and other new marketing strategies.

Prepare In-Store Employees for Tough Shoppers and Situations

The unexpected is now more expected than ever, and retailers should provide adequate training, establish clear policies, and make it easy for employees to collaborate across teams to prepare them for aggressive shoppers.

Why Consumers Are Demanding More from E-Commerce Companies

The key to e-commerce thriving this next year and beyond lies in adopting new strategies and technologies to meet consumers where they are. Interactivity is imperative.

6 Viral B2B Marketing Campaigns From 2023 (and What We Can Learn From Them)

Here are some B2B marketing campaigns that made waves last year. Let their innovative approaches inspire your next marketing strategy.

Retailers Must Embrace Holiday Shopping’s Evolving Digital Landscape

Embracing change is not just advisable; it's essential to maintain relevance and ensure competitiveness.

How to Nurture Gen Z Into Effective Sales Leaders

The traditional sales strategies may not apply to Gen Z, but that doesn't mean you can't nurture and mold this young breed into innovative, successful sales leaders.

The Future of CX: How AI-driven Conversation Intelligence Is Revolutionizing CRM

Generative AI can gather and process vast amounts of unstructured data and efficiently turn that into easily understandable and actionable insights.

4 Ways to Build Customer Loyalty and Value via Digital Content

With consumers' digital experiences driving more sales, a unified approach to digital content can strengthen omnichannel experiences, attracting new customers while building the loyalty and lifetime value of existing ones.

Develop Your Sales Mind-Set for Success

Having a sales mind-set is arguably your most important tool. When salespeople have their minds in the right place, they can overcome any challenges along the way and close the deal.

A CMO Roadmap: Operational Efficiencies Are Key for Navigating the Changing Customer Landscape

Economic uncertainties are pushing consumers to be more budget-conscious, a shift that is creating new challenges—and new priorities—for today's social marketing leaders.

3 Steps for Building Loyalty with Social Media Marketing

It's not the size of your follower base but how engaged your followers are. Here's how to develop healthy social media engagement with your customers.

3 Great Ways to Amplify Your Content

Here's how to turn the volume of your marketing content up to 11 and ensure that it's being noticed by the right people in the right channel.

3 Ways to Make Praising Employees a Cultural Must-Do

Employees who feel appreciated and valued are more likely to get on board with new ideas, collaborate with peers, and do their best. Here's how to encourage regular acknowledgment within your team.

How Extended Reality Can Reinvent the Trade Show Experience

By deploying virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) booth displays, presenters can drive traffic, receive better feedback and word-of-mouth endorsements, and offer prospects a deeper understanding of their product.