Transportation CRM > Viewpoints

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools can inform sales and marketing campaigns for a diverse group of transportation customers. Campaigns can target a specific customer's focus based on what they transport. Explore our latest CRM news, analysis, and advice for the transportation industry.

3 Ways Conversational AI Can Make Contact Centers More Nimble

With the pandemic causing a huge surge in call volume, contact centers are under stress like never before. Virtual agents can not only ease the burden but lead to greatly enhanced service quality.

3 Reasons Why Enterprises Need the Growing Gig Economy

Companies are finding that, empowered by technology, the gig economy can solve talent, experience, and security challenges in ways that were not possible just a few years ago. One CEO from the call center industry weighs in with his perspective.

Get on Your Customers' Holiday Wish Lists with Stellar Customer Service

Equip your call center with the visibility to reduce customer struggles.

Leading From Afar

Don't let distance infringe upon effective leadership.

End Shopping-Cart Abandonment

Optimize e-commerce with purchase incentives.

Planning for Choppy Waters

Service business strategies for rough economic climates.

Get Customers Involved in R&D

Companies like Google and Netflix are using inducement prizes to encourage product innovation—and it's saving them money.

Electronic Invoicing Gets the Job Done Efficiently

Paperless payments reduce staff support, errors, and overpayments.

Women on the Web

Influencing an influential audience.

Is Your Brand's Image Stuck on Hold?

Improving what your most outspoken worker says to your customers.

Securing Agent Buy-In for Quality

Contact center executives now realize that it is not enough just to plug in the system. Management must explain how the agents will benefit from the technology.