
Let's Just Say TTFN

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I have never been good at good-byes. I have always made it a point to stay in touch with friends and colleagues from past jobs, industries, cities, you name it. Anyone who knows me well knows this. I guess you can say I am my own CRM system. That is why this column is so difficult for me to write. This column will be my last official act as Editor-in-Chief of CRM magazine. I have had the extraordinary pleasure of being at the helm of this publication through not only one of the most trying times in the CRM industry but through perhaps the most challenging publishing environment since World War II. And you heard me right, it has been a pleasure and I will tell you why. First, the industry. I still believe today as strongly as I did one year ago that the CRM market is the sweet spot in the entire technology universe. CRM touches everything from front-end sales, marketing, and customer service automation, through internal systems such as employee and human resource management, to back-end supply chain and partner relationship solutions. Everything in an organization that has to do with improving customer service, interaction, and experience is CRM. That is the way the staff here views the market and that is the way we planned the publication each month. And in the words of Genesys CEO Ad Nederlof, "CRM is a never-ending journey." I couldn't agree more and am proud I was along for part of the ride. Second, I have met, interviewed, strategized, laughed, and broke bread with some of the most dynamic individuals in the business world. As our September issue shows, there are truly great leaders and personalities in the CRM market who will continue to drive it forward. I am sure we'll meet again. And finally, I leave CRM magazine in good hands. From the Publisher Bob Fernekees, to the editorial staff of Ginger Conlon, Lisa Picarille, David Myron and Oscar Peterson, CRM magazine is in a better position now than it was before they came on board. These folks have been through a lot together during the past year, from three different owners to four different office environments, but they have persevered as the true professionals they are. They are certainly more than capable of continuing to drive the content of CRM magazine and present to you, our trusted readers, with the latest trends, best analysis, and most important stories occurring in the CRM space. They are the best at what they do, and I was fortunate to work with each one of them. As for me, I have decided to move on for personal reasons, and believe me it was a hard decision to make. After more than 12 years as a technology/business journalist I am embarking on a new phase in my career. One that will no doubt be filled with new challenges and opportunities, but also provide me with more time with my growing family--four more hours per day. Yes, my commute to the CRM magazine office was two hours each way. However, I have been in this business long enough to know how big the publishing world appears, but just how small it really is, and that doors never really shut completely. So how about I just quote Tigger, one of my six-year-old daughter's favorite Pooh Bear characters, and simply say "TTFN. Ta ta for now."
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