
Evergage Launches SmartSurveys

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Evergage today launched SmartSurveys, a voice-of-the-customer (VoC) survey tool that enables companies to ask relevant questions of prospects and customers as well as use the responses they gather to improve experiences at the individual level in real time.

SmartSurveys is a new module of Evergage’s personalization and customer data platform. With it, companies can automatically add the information they collect from surveys to each visitor’s unified customer profile—a detailed view of each visitor that interacts with the company’s digital properties. SmartSurveys has six key features: survey targeting; diversity in question and response formats; the ability to immediately act on response data; the ability to deliver surveys across different channels; real-time reporting; and the ability to ask a series of questions over a number of visitor interactions.

  • Survey targeting allows companies to deploy questions to specific audience segments or individuals based on information such as their behavior, location, and referring source or campaign.
  • With the diversity in question and response formats, companies can draw upon a number of styles including radio buttons, checkboxes, ratings, and images.
  • The ability to immediately act on response data enables businesses to, for example, serve up personalized experiences or trigger follow-up messages.
  • Surveys can be delivered across such channels as websites, web and mobile apps, and email campaigns.
  • Companies can access real-time reporting for active surveys. This includes information such as number of respondents per question and tallies for each question asked.
  • With the ability to ask a series of questions over a number of visitor interactions, businesses have an alternative to presenting a long survey on the first visit.

SmartSurveys also allows companies to customize their surveys with their own branding.

“The really significant component [of SmartSurveys]…is that when people respond to a specific question, that data is stored as an attribute in our unified customer profile. Once they’re added as an attribute, which happens as soon as they answer the question, that information can be used to deliver an experience or improve that person’s experience in real time,” says T.J. Prebil, director of product marketing at Evergage.

“We know that surveys have been around for a while, but we don’t think they’ve really been used in this format where they’re actually actively building or improving customer relationships in real time,” Prebil adds.

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