
EasyAsk and SugarCRM to Provide Natural Language Search and Analysis

EasyAsk and SugarCRM announced earlier this week at SugarCon 2011 that they will team up to offer EasyAsk for SugarCRM, a new version of EasyAsk with natural search and analysis software integrated with SugarCRM. The integrated product will deliver SugarCRM information through EasyAsk’s language interface and tools.

With EasyAsk for SugarCRM, users can ask questions in English and get immediate answers through SugarCRM’s system. According to Craig Bassin, CEO of EasyAsk, the new technology enables better communication across organizations. “EasyAsk simplifies communications between humans and data, allowing business people to ask questions in their everyday language and get the answers they need,” he said in a statement. “EasyAsk for SugarCRM allows an organization to communicate with their CRM system in the same way they would ask questions of their staff members empowering teams to make faster, actionable decisions.”

Sharing reports and other documents is also a pivotal benefit for users. By “allowing cross-department” teams the ability to share information, marketing and sales teams will be able to collaborate to develop better leads and sales pipelines. In addition, support and sales teams will be able to work together to indentify critical support cases. “This will result in a better flow of information to everyone involved in the organization and using the SugarCRM system,” maintains John Morrell, vice president of product marketing at EasyAsk.

Implementation should be “almost instantaneous,” and companies willbe able to use the product “immediately” after purchase. “It’s a prebuilt system, so it is designed to understand questions right away,” Morrell says about the product’s “Watson-like” infrastructure.  

Nick Halsey, chief marketing officer and executive vice president of corporate development at SugarCRM, believes the partnership will help SugarCRM “take a clear leadership position as the most intuitive CRM system on the market.” “Integrating EasyAsk into our product line makes it even easier for business users to work with SugarCRM and derive even greater benefit from their SugarCRM system and investment,” he said in a statement.

Developing EasyAsk for SugarCRM was a “pretty short cycle,” according to Morrell, who says the process only took a couple of months to create. “It was a pretty fast romance,” he jokes.

Morrell estimates that EasyAsk for SugarCRM will be available through the SugarCRM Reseller Channel within the next 30 days.

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