  • July 9, 2015

Zappix Launches Visual IVR Survey Tool

Zappix, provider of the Triple Play Visual IVR platform, has added a survey package to its smartphone IVR solution. The new package allows companies to create, distribute, and analyze surveys as part of the customer service experience. After each service interaction, these customizable surveys are delivered at a set time to users via a smartphone notification alert.

"Able to be deployed in any IVR menu item, the flexible Zappix survey generates a Net Promoter Score that provides the ultimate test for any customer relationship metric," said Zappix Chairman Avner Schneur in a statement. "This helps an organization tune its growth engine to operate at peak efficiency. The registering and analysis of NPS promoters, passives, and detractors contributes significantly to creating a successful customer-focused program and turning companies into Net Promoter stars. It also provides a best practice infrastructure for how companies collect, evaluate, and act on customer feedback to optimize and achieve long-term, profitable growth."

The Zappix platform provides access to both live and automated customer support options. Surveys can be deployed immediately and automatically after a Visual IVR transaction to produce a clear measure of an organization's performance through its customers' eyes. The customer feedback, ratings and Net Promoter Score are all available through the Zappix analytics package, which identifies and analyzes patterns in the results and offers systemic solutions to recurring issues.

"Customer surveys are an important communication channel that provides invaluable, experiential-based customer touch points," said Gal Steinberg, Zappix's vice president of marketing, in a statement. "Through this new NPS survey offering, our Visual IVR customers have the robust capabilities needed to capture quantitative and qualitative user feedback that is tied to the context of the customer service interaction selected."

Recently, Zappix also announced the availability of the Zappix Smartphone Visual IVR for Human Resources. This new Web or native application connects employees with their companies' human resources infrastructure, allowing them to view paychecks, manage  401K accounts, update their health insurance plans, and speak with an HR specialist via smartphone.

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