  • September 7, 2018

Confirmit Launches Horizons 24

Confirmit has added a range of new capabilities to its Horizons platform. Launched as part of the rollout of Version 24 of Confirmit Horizons, the new features are designed to support global multichannel feedback and research programs.

"In creating the latest iteration of Confirmit Horizons, we have delivered intelligence-driven innovations that drive ease of use and productivity. This is critical to market research businesses and companies running customer experience and employee engagement programs who need to deliver value quickly and effectively," said Terry Lawlor, executive vice president of product management at Confirmit, in a statement.

The new capabilities focus on ease of use and innovation, driven by artificial intelligence and machine learning. They include the following:

  • Confirmit Action Planner added to B2B Account Health. A collaborative tool that supports the launch and management of change-based business initiatives tied to specific business outcomes. Action Planner provides suggestions for best-practice actions to improve key performance indicators along with collaboration tools to speed up implementation of the initiative.
  • Benchmark support added to Employee Pulse. This enables companies running employee engagement programs to provide context to results, so managers understand how they compare to benchmarks, like industry norms, overall company scores, or specific targets, and get a better understanding of the results.
  • Advanced scenario management for Digital Experience for creating and managing multiple intercept surveys.
  • Concept Miner, which uses the latest AI techniques to help in understanding key insights that might be hidden within text data.
  • A new report accelerator that integrates structured and unstructured data using advanced statistical techniques.
  • Enhancements to CATI capabilities to handle and route inbound calls, blending them with existing outbound calling schedules.
  • Additions to Survey Designer to streamline survey creation and deliver more engaging surveys.
  • Significant enhancements to SmartHub and CRM Connector for Salesforce to facilitate import and export of data between Horizons and external systems.
  • Enhanced user experience for mobile respondents through a range of improvements to responsive survey layouts.

Confirmit has also addressed the latest compliance considerations in Confirmit Horizons Version 24. To address the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the platform allows users to define data retention periods, anonymize personal data, and export data from multiple surveys at the same time.

"The latest additions to the platform are provided as part of our continuous deployment approach. We are building intelligence into our solutions to enable people to more easily tackle their most important jobs to be done. Our aim is to empower individuals around the organization to take action based on insight by providing the tools they need to make smarter decisions. These enhancements do just that," Lawlor said.

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