  • May 2, 2005
  • By Coreen Bailor, (former) Associate Editor, CRM Magazine

Statistically Speaking

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  • Nearly three quarters (72 percent) of mothers within the 15 to 44 age range who do not have infants are in the labor force.
  • More than half, 55 percent, of mothers with infant children in 2002 were in the labor force. That figure is a four-percentage-point drop from a record 59 percent in 1998, representing the rate's first significant de-crease since the Census Bureau began calculating it in 1976.
  • Sixty-three percent of college-educated women with infant children are in the labor force.
  • In 2003 the number of stay-at-home moms was 5.4 million and 39 percent of those were under 35.
  • According to consumers polled in the University of Michigan's American Customer Satisfaction Index, when it comes to online banking customers are most satisfied with content and functionality, which tied for first with an average score of 84. Bill payment earned the third slot with a score of 82, while tasks and transactions earned an 80, and navigation received a 77. Set-up for bill payment earned the lowest with a score of 74.
  • Consumers are increasingly attracted to online shopping, with online spending increasing 14 percent in 2004, according to a study conducted by the Online Publishers Association (OPA) and comScore Networks. Titled "Paid Online Content U.S. Market Spending Report," the study reveals that online, U.S. consumers paid an all-time annual high of $1.8 billion in 2004, up from $664 million in 2001.
  • Rising interest rates are starting to influence spending habits of low- and middle-income consumers, according to a credit survey of 2,000 respondents by Experian and The Gallup Organization. According to the survey, during the past six months 33 percent of consumers say they have reduced the amount they owe, while 28 percent say they have added to it. When looking to the next six months, however, 52 percent of consumers expect to reduce their debt, compared to just 15 percent who expect to increase it.
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