By June 30, 2021, carriers are required to meet regulatory mandates to deploy STIR/SHAKEN call authentication technologies. These authentication technologies provide a secure way to stop illegal caller ID spoofing.

For inbound call centers, the question is how STIR/SHAKEN can reduce threats from criminal use of spoofed calls to take over customer accounts. What caveats and limitations exist when using STIR/SHAKEN for inbound authentication?

Outbound call centers will need to ensure that their calls are appropriately signed via STIR/SHAKEN – and attested at the highest levels – to ensure calls are not inadvertently blocked or tagged as spam.

In this webinar, you'll hear from call center and technology experts on the following topics:

-- How STIR/SHAKEN works
-- The impact – good and bad – STIR/SHAKEN can potentially have on enterprises
-- How STIR/SHAKEN can help inbound call centers fight fraud
-- Best practices to ensure your outbound calls get through to customers

Don't miss this live one-hour event on Wednesday, June 9th, 11:00 AM PT / 2:00 PM ET.

Register Now to attend the webinar STIR/SHAKEN Is Coming – Are You Prepared?

Lance Hood
Senior Director of Inbound Authentication
Jonjie Sena
Vice President of Product Marketing
Bob Fernekees
CRM magazine