WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2018 - 11:00 AM PT / 2:00 PM ET

The contact center has seen a tremendous number of innovations this year, from fraud detection to employee engagement to automation and agent-assisting technologies.

Find out what leading-edge contact centers are doing to drive better customer experiences by listening to our panel of experts from Neustar, Verint, Cyara, and NICE.

On this webcast, you'll learn how to:

-- Authenticate callers and append critical contact intelligence to optimize call routing
-- Mitigate fraud without additional friction through insights on spoofing, caller verification, and other passive risk attributes
-- Evaluate the quality of 100% of your calls, not just a small sample
-- Use automation to provide real-time assistance to your agents

And you'll learn these strategies for promoting sustainable innovation:

-- Embracing agility and DevOps in your software development and monitoring to stay ahead of customer needs
-- Leveraging automation as a key to being Agile in your CX innovation
-- Improving employee engagement for more productive employees

This roundtable webcast is jam-packed with actionable takeaways that will help you guide your contact center to excellence by embracing proven innovations.

Enter your email in the box to the right
to attend the webinar "2018 Contact Center Innovations."

Audio is streamed over the Internet, so turn up your computer speakers!

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Bob Fernekees
CRM magazine
Adam Russell
Executive Director, Financial Services
Kelly Koelliker
Director, Solutions Marketing
Amy Hudson
Global Head, Discovery & Enablement
Paul Najdzin
Workforce Engagement Management Solution Specialist