WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 2018 - 11:00 AM PT / 2:00 PM ET
Many organizations' customer service efforts have relied on interactive voice response (IVR) systems for decades, even as newer channels have emerged to expand customer self-service. But IVRs have evolved well beyond their simple menu-based origins to incorporate new technologies that are incredibly well suited to modern smartphones and thus offer greater flexibility and efficiencies for serving customers. Join our panel of experts from NICE, Radial, Nuance, and Convergys as we investigate the state of IVRs as the cornerstone of customer experience initiatives. On this webinar, we will discuss:
- why optimizing your IVR is more important than you think;
- how visualizing your IVR journeys can impact ROI and customer experience;
- how implementing visual IVR supports a growing customer base, drives brand experience, and provides better self-service;
- proven success metrics of visual IVR from the field, including NPS, containment rates, and AHT;
- how conversational customer care drives better, more personalized experiences;
- how to ensure the success of your conversational customer care deployment;
- the surprising results on the power of speech, from leading Fortune 250 companies; and
- the role AI and predictive analytics will have on the future of the IVR.
REGISTER NOW to attend the webinar "The State of IVRs in 2018—Speech-Enabled IVRs Are Thriving." Audio is streamed over the Internet, so turn up your computer speakers! |
Bob Fernekees Publisher CRM magazine |
Evan Gale Solutions Executive, Customer Journey Solutions NICE |
Robin Gomez Director, Data & Analytics Radial |
Chris Caile Senior Principal Solutions Marketing Manager Nuance Communications |
Darla Tucker Director, Customer Solutions Convergys |