Beyond marketing and sales alignment: Calibrate to the customer for optimal buyer experience

Freshworks Inc.

“Marketing leads don’t convert.” Marketing leaders have heard this for the longest time from their sales counterparts.

“Sales does not follow up as needed.” Sales leaders have heard this for the longest time from their marketing counterparts.

This is a classic case of sales and marketing misalignment - a story that plays out at every B2B enterprise worldwide. And this needs to change.

Forrester recommends: Focus on the buyer’s journey first. 

It’s time to align sales and marketing teams to a singular objective - customer obsession!

Read this Forrester research report to find out how you can:

  • Leverage Forrester's Go-To-Customer (GTC) Strategy Matrix to engineer an engagement strategy that aligns marketing, sales, and service on the path to customer obsession
  • Deliver the ultimate buyer experience through removing internal sales and marketing siloes
  • Rethink your 2021 marketing strategy in order to simplify the sales and marketing process, whether you are a B2B or a B2C business