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September 13, 2010

CRM Featured Articles Outshines Competitors on Gartner Magic Quadrant for Sales Force Automation

Magic Quadrant for Sales Force Automation '10: The top sector of the annual market assessment also includes Microsoft and two Oracle offerings.

Sage Beefs Up Services in Sage Act! 2011

With interface improvements and the introduction of an integrated information service, one industry thought leader remarks that he is "massively impressed."

Magazine Features

The Hospitality Suite

Hotels are finding a home away from home in social media, and boosting the customer experience in the process.


Try Being Unsocial with Customers First

You don't want social CRM. You want integrated customer intelligence.

So Many CRM Service Providers, So Little Time

Whether your strategy is operational excellence, product innovation, or customer intimacy, CRM is essential to achieve customer satisfaction. So how do you choose?

Front Office

Has Our Technology Exceeded Our Humanity?

Your challenge, in a lot of ways, is to infuse what you do with humanity.