Biographical Information

Patrick Gibbons

principal, Walker

Patrick Gibbons is a principal at Walker, a leading experience management services firm. He can be reached at

Articles for Patrick Gibbons

With CX, the Front Line Is Where the Action Is

Here's a simple approach to driving more action from your CX program.

How Your Company Can Keep Up With Customer Demands

Becoming more adaptable can be a big advantage.

Creating Customer Experiences That Amaze (and Don’t Suck)

There are many ways to craft—or undermine—a thrilling CX.

CX is Getting More Complex. Are You Ready?

Heightened customer demand is creating new issues and driving the creation of new tools.

Communication Is Essential for CX

Often overlooked, communication strategies are necessary to drive action.

Don’t Break Down Silos!

Instead, unify them around customer experience.

Beware Mediocre CX

Avoid distractions that suck the life from your customer experience programs.

Four Reasons for Combining CX and EX

Customer and employee experiences are intertwined, and the programs for each should be too.

Turn Your Customer Experience Process Around

Build buy-in with CX initiatives before you survey customers.

Four Lessons for Designing Exceptional Customer Journeys

Journeys that are just okay won't lead to more buzz and more business.

When CX Breakthroughs Become Baselines

Customer experience leaders must be prepared to continually innovate

New to CX? Start with the Xs and Os

Why it makes sense to use the data you already have—operational data

How Can We Listen to Customers When No One Is Talking?

Response rates are down, but don't throw in the towel!

It’s 2020! How Did Our CX Predictions Work Out?

Let's look at how we've responded to customers' rising demands

X-Data + O-Data = Better Customer Journeys

Combining experience data and operational data can make a big difference for your customers

How Do You Define CX Success?

When you put customers at the heart of your decisions, you're bound to succeed

Surprise—You’re in Charge of CX!

Embrace customer experience leadership, regardless of how you got there

How Do You Listen to Your Customers?

You need a listening architecture to get the most from customer insights

10 Traits of Effective CX Leaders

What does it take to lead a customer experience team?

CX Leaders Need to Become Customer Storytellers

Storytelling is a reliable, effective tool for representing the customer viewpoint

B2B Companies Are Falling Behind in Customer Experience

They're failing to deliver on three key customer demands.

Who Makes a Company Customer-Focused?

What CX professionals can do to shift the culture.

7 Signs Your CEO Is Customer-Focused

High-growth companies prioritize CX, and you'll find the following characteristics in those at the helm.

3 Tips for Creating a Customer Experience Advantage

CX can be your best path to a sustainable competitive edge

10 Ways to Get CX Efforts Noticed

Promoting your CX initiatives gets employees engaged and improves company performance

CX Pros and CEOs Must See Eye to Eye

When everyone shares the same perspective on customer experience, customers—and the business—win

How to Sell Customer Experience to a Tough Crowd: Your Colleagues

With CX initiatives, you have to tangibly prove value

Survey Fatigue: Let’s Take the Onus off of Customers

Companies should find fresh ways—online communities, analytics, ?journey mapping—to gather customer intelligence.

CX Pros Can Make Their Mark

Big challenges—and big opportunities—lay ahead for customer experience professionals

Survey Says: Less Is More

New tools make us less reliant on surveys, but that doesn't mean they have to go away

Catalysts for Change

Customer experience leaders can make a big impact in their business operations

The Risky Business of Predictive Analytics

In service and sales, a proactive approach is key.

Five Traits of Exceptional CX Leaders

Establishing and building relationships is key.

Is It Time to Moneyball Customer Experience?

Create a competitive advantage by looking at data through a broader lens.

Drive CX Initiatives with Journey Mapping

Gain a fresh perspective by understanding the paths your customers take.

Hungry for Customer Intelligence

CX professionals must satisfy appetites companywide.

Seven CX Jobs to Watch

Is there a place for you in this growing field?

The Road to Customer-Focused Results

Implement an initiative that pays off.

Voice of the Future Customer

New methods for predicting customers' behavior are changing how we listen to them.

Don't Doom Your VoC Strategies

A six-step plan for overcoming common obstacles.

In Search of the Perfect Metric

Don't hold out for a magic bullet.

The Cloud Effect

Don't give customers a reason to jump ship.

Five Ways to Thrive in a Tough Economy

"Things'll go your way, if you hold on for one more day."—Wilson Phillips, "Hold On"