Biographical Information

Oscar Alban

principal, global market consultant, Verint Witness Actionable Solutions

Oscar Alban ( serves as principal global market consultant for Verint Witness Actionable Solutions. Prior to joining the company in 1997, he spent 12 years as a regional sales and training manager for a Fortune 500 company in its 1,200-person, inbound/outbound, state-of-the-art call center division. 

Articles for Oscar Alban

Recessions Make for Strange Bedfellows

How the recession brought marketing and customer service closer together.

Leveraging Workforce Optimization for Contact Center Success

Rethink long-established contact center practices and roles.

Monitor Your Web Experience for Quality

We call center veterans have been focused on quality for years. We invented the phrase "this call may be monitored for quality purposes" some time ago and continue using it, even today, as a badge of honor for our companies' focus on providing quality customer service. Consumers are accustomed to hearing it, and many say they like knowing that their calls may be monitored so their experiences and voices can be heard.