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Joanne Collins

Articles for Joanne Collins

Bidding for Business With Customer Data

Joanne Collins reports on how UK online auction house QXL is tackling customer analytics with a new implementation aimed at recording transactional activity and influencing buying patterns

The Strong-Arm Tactics of Exchanges

The charges of anti-competition levied against exchanges have so far been dismissed, but more wide-ranging repercussions for trading patterns remain. With the rapid growth of online exchanges, regulators are struggling to keep up.

The Changes in Exchanges

Today's trading exchanges are set to change beyond recognition over the next five years as shifting economic models and the need to add value consign many to extinction.

Limiting Your Licensing Woes

As vendors change their licensing strategies and ASP services gather pace, existing licensing headaches for companies can only get worse. Joanne Collins asks Lawrence Westwood of the Federation Against Software Theft (Fast) how companies can protect themselves

UK's Leyland Trucks Delivers on Global Web Strategy

UK truck maker Leyland Trucks moves into the e-commerce arena by Web-enabling applications across the company and launching its online marketplace.

Panel: ERP Only a First Step on the Road to CRM

Companies are learning that initial ERP implementations are only the first stage in their IT journey. Three UK finance managers talk about their approach to the development and extension of their back-office systems.

Navigating the E-procurement Maze

Our panel discusses the highs and lows of the digital exchange marketplace.

Selling IT Investments to the Board

An analysis of the challenges that finance directors face in getting their company's board of directors to investment in IT infrastructure.

Strategic e-Procurement

An analysis of the benefits and short-comings of current e-procurement systems.