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Jerry Rosa

Articles for Jerry Rosa

Banking on CRM

How GreenPoint's call center achieved a 300 percent ROI.

Growing Pains

Marketing automation presents new challenges to vendors and marketers alike.

Banking on CRM

How GreenPoint's call center achieved a 300 percent ROI.

CRM In Action

How are Hammacher Schlemmer, Nordea Bank, and Fifth Third Bank addressing CRM?

There are No Shortcuts

Despite some headway, implementing CRM is still a daunting task.

J.D.Edwards CEO: We Are "Dead Serious" About CRM

New CEO says the ERP company will be a strong CRM contender Taps German Market

Microsoft Wades Into CRM

CRM Investments Look Brighter

Envoy CEO Wants to Extend CRM

Just What the Doctor Ordered

A dose of technology revives one healthcare insurance firm

Superhero to the Rescue

Faster than a speeding implementation. More powerful than a banking CEO. Able to turn around failed efforts in a single strategy meeting. It's a superhero. It's a CIO. No it's The Consultant.

Baan's Strategy to Compete

Callidus Software Wins DIRECTV Deal

Siebel, IBM, Accenture Lead CRM Brands

The ITSMA presents a short list of top-tier CRM software and CRM services companies.

FrontPhase Rolls Out CRM Solution For SMB Market

KPMG Advises to Cut Costs, Improve Operations

To succeed in the current economic climate, enterprises need to improve the way they go about reducing costs while ensuring that their operational performance still remains robust, according to executives at KPMG Consulting.

PeopleSoft Beats 4Q Estimates

Companies Need Better IT Plumbing

This is the Year to Invest in CRM

PwC Teams With Cognos

The partnership brings Cognos tool into PwC's solution.

eCRM Forum Outlines Opportunities and Challenges

CRM needs to leverage the workforce for higher profits, noted one speaker.

CIOs Will Open Their Purses in 2002

IT spending will rise, but don't expect the floodgates to open.