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Articles for Paul Stockford
A Word Is Worth a Thousand Pictures
01 Dec 2005
Mine the rich source of customer information that lies buried in recorded calls.
A Recipe for Reduced Turnover: Find the Right Mix
01 Aug 2005
Recent advancements in selection technologies now make it possible to identify various individual traits and attributes before job offers are made.
Workforce Optimization's Missing Link
01 Jun 2005
Companies should strengthen their workforce optimization strategy with the addition of efficient agent selection tools.
Is Inbound Calling the Next Legislative Target?
01 Apr 2005
Lawmakers are taking aim at companies that use offshore call centers.
It's Not Your Father's e-Learning
21 Jan 2005
The entire concept of agent training has been turned on its ear, and delivers unprecedented levels of efficiency and productivity.
Create Win-Win Outsourcing
15 Nov 2004
How contact centers can have the benefits of both off- and onshore sites.