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Articles for Jyoti Banerjee
UK Perspective: Microsoft's Rocky Road to e-Government Success
07 May 2001
Microsoft is betting that its much-hyped UK Government Gateway portal project will live up to expectations
The UK's Web of Fear
06 Dec 2000
The British government may be overstepping its bounds with its proposed RIP Bill, which allows full government access to encrypted data on the Web.
Delivering on Your Customer's Every Whim
04 Dec 2000
TBC Research Chief Executive Jyoti Banerjee discusses the shortcoming of databases in being able to deliver on one-to-one marketing.
From Real Time to Zero Time
16 Aug 2000
TBC Research chief executive Jyoti Banerjee sees time-based competition as the next driver of the new economy.
Outsourcing to Create Digital Capital
16 Aug 2000
Jyoti Banerjee reviews the concepts presented in a recent book by Don Tapscott, David Ticoll and Alex Lowy called Digital Capital.
The Customer Profitability Minefield
10 Jul 2000
Despite its importance in CRM, customer profitability has always been a challenge for software applications to analyze because of the many unexpected external factors that are introduced by individual customer behavior.