
CRM on Twitter: January 2010

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For the rest of the January 2010 issue of CRM magazine please click here.

The twittersphere’s fairly accustomed to patting itself on the back for its collective appreciation of All Things Innovative. All snarkiness aside, though, it’s probably no coincidence that many of the heaviest twitterers are true believers in the potential borne by innovation. As it happens, when it came to Twitter, CRM magazine was an early innovator as well, and can be found at www.twitter.com/CRM; blogs and live-twittering appear at www.twitter.com/destinationCRM. Reach us directly by starting your tweet with @CRM.

metrics for open #innovation include percentage of revenue derived from alliances

metrics for open #innovation include $ from new products, customer satisfaction

“It’s time to ask: have the costs of innovation exceeded the benefits? A better concept…is awesomeness.” http://sn.im/inno1204

Infoworld speculates that based on parallels to the desktop PC's history, mobile innovation has come to an end. http://sn.im/inno1202

Bigger barrier to innovation: batteries or bandwidth? I say bandwidth, but only because my laptop is plugged into the grid at the moment.

Beltz of Weyerhaeuser: Types of open #innovation metrics: Results and Process. #ois09

Beltz of Weyerhaeuser: Open #innovation measurement types: Baseline. Diagnostic. Control. Trending. Planning. #ois09

RT @Hypios The Limits of “Open Innovation” for Problem Solving: http://sn.im/inno120

“If you’re not failing every now and again, it’s a sign you're not doing anything very innovative.” —Woody Allen

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