Healthcare CRM > Viewpoints

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) data and technology solutions are vital for healthcare companies seeking to create highly personalized experiences. There are two basic types of healthcare CRMs, one is for a healthcare organization to stay in contact with their patients, the other is for a healthcare organization to stay in contact with referring organizations.

Explore our latest CRM news, analysis, and advice for the healthcare industry.

How CRM Is Reshaping the Healthcare Industry

The overarching goal of CRM in healthcare is to bolster patient satisfaction, streamline communication, optimize operational efficiency, and ultimately elevate healthcare outcomes to unprecedented levels of excellence.

Human-Centered CRM Can Make a Difference for Seniors

How CRM is driving better outcomes in the senior-living industry.

4 Ways Healthcare Orgs Can Turn Contact Centers into Insight Centers

Using conversational data, organizations can assess social needs across communities and improve health outcomes.

Building the Cross-Company Customer Experience

Enterprises should not be expected to play the role of middlemen as they hire more and more vendors to address increasing customer experience demands.

Where Is CX Headed in 2021? 3 Predictions for the Year Ahead

The digital transformation hastened by 2020 will lead companies to continue catering to the connected customer experience lifestyle.

5 Key Customer Loyalty and Engagement Trends for 2021

Now is the time to anticipate and strategize for the post-pandemic changes in outlook and behaviors.

COVID-19 Has Forced a Pivot to Digital-First. Here’s How Companies Adapt

Nearly every organization has been impacted by the 2020 digital transformation rush. Those that have not made moves to adapt stand to lose market share to competitors, suffer customer retention and loyalty fallout, and even face potential bankruptcy.

Digital Innovation, Remote Work, and Trusted Relationships Will Spearhead the Pandemic Economy

All of us—technology providers, businesses, and consumers—must collectively work together to find new solutions if we are to reach the other side of this crisis.

How to Build a Practical Industry-Specific Solution Using Lightning Bolt

VRP Consulting challenged its employees with an internal contest to develop a Lightning Bolt-based solution. The winning idea, months before the pandemic, was a telehealth platform. Here's how this hands-on experience built a value-added industry-specific solution.

Speech Technology in the Midst of the Coronavirus (Featured on Speechtechmag.com.)

This is the time for speech technology—and all online communication technologies—to leap into action.

3 Tips for Creating a Solid Customer Success Initiative

By making customer success a top priority, you'll drive customer value, identify hidden opportunities, and pinpoint sources of friction and respond with solutions that benefit your entire customer base.

3 Tips for Choosing a CRM Outsourcer

When enterprises need great CRM software but lack the time or talent to build it in-house, outsourcing is only logical. But it's important to find the right long-term partner from the start.

Introducing Digital 'Advisory Services': A New Way to Use Visual Engagement to Drive Revenue

Longtime staples of the contact center, visual engagement tools like screen sharing represent a new digital channel for efficiently selling products and services, deepening customer relationships, and growing revenue.

4 Tips for Maximizing Your CRM Investment

An executive at Zephyr Health details how companies in the life sciences industry can drive a higher return on their CRM technology investment, tips that are applicable to companies in any industry.

How Could Your Business Benefit from the Vending Machine Model?

Recurring revenue technology advances make it possible.

Patient Service Doesn’t Stop at the Hospital Door

Communicate early, be highly interactive, and automate

The Engagement of Unified Communications

Definitely not all for one and one for all.

Talking the Talk — Before the Sale

The execution of live chat can make or break the conversion.

Don’t Let a Weak Economy Go to Waste

Boost sales while recovering from the recession.

CRM Saves Lives

Maybe so, but only if the healthcare industry can better diagnose and care for its patients.