OpenSpan Unveils Activity Intelligence Solution
OpenSpan, a provider of worker optimization, activity management, and automation solutions, has released OpenSpan Activity Intelligence, a new, cloud-based solution designed to provide actionable insight into interaction business intelligence, worker activity, process flows, and technology diagnostics.
This activity intelligence can be queried based on enterprise-defined metrics to extract relevant information to be used to drive performance associated with key performance indicators (KPIs) in customer-facing business units, including revenue generation, operational efficiency, risk and compliance management, and customer experience.
OpenSpan Activity Intelligence also delivers advanced correlation capabilities, including outcome analyses that uncover key behaviors, processes, or activities that result in gold-standard service experiences. The solution can capture any activity within any application and expose this data in an array of formats for reporting, replacing, or enhancing many existing exercises, such as call dispositions, notes or tally sheets; performance observations, or time and motion studies; and, data extrapolations, including performance metrics like average handle time, quality monitoring, and evaluation scores or workforce management data. This data can be aggregated and presented in report formats that are highly flexible and tailored to the needs of the enterprise from the corner office to the agent desktop.
"The contact center and front and back offices are three of the most instrumented business units of the enterprise when it comes to capturing and analyzing metrics," said Damon Lockwood, chief technology officer at OpenSpan, in a statement. "There are infinite data points within these environments that could be tracked, but most do not provide a true reflection of what is happening with customer interactions and transactions. OpenSpan Activity Intelligence addresses this deficiency with near real-time analytics from worker transactions and interactions down to the level of the click stream activity. Additionally, we can easily correlate metrics from other sources, such as speech analytics, cross-channel analytics, and deliver more intelligent views into the customer service."
"Based on estimates from the U.S. Bureau of Statistics and the International Labor Organization, there are approximately 30 million contact center agents and 120 million front- and back-office workers employed globally," said Eric Musser, CEO of OpenSpan, in a statement. "Over the next decade, companies will invest billions of dollars on applied analytics solutions that drive performance improvements in these customer-facing areas. OpenSpan Activity Intelligence brings a more actionable approach by analyzing desktop activity as a means to have rapid impact in these critical areas."
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