  • October 23, 2018

RedPoint Global Updates Customer Engagement Hub

RedPoint Global, a provider of customer data and engagement technology, today launched the next generation of the RedPoint Customer Engagement Hub, providing a single point of control over data, decisions, and interactions.

The latest version helps organizations better recognize customers through enhanced capabilities in the RedPoint Customer Data Platform, know what customers want with advanced analytics in the new AI Studio, and deliver customer experiences that are personalized across all inbound and outbound touch points.

Using the RedPoint Customer Data Platform (CDP), users can leverage all data to understand customers in their context and cadence. The application features new options for streaming data platforms and the latest cloud and NoSQL database technologies. Users can also apply identity resolution, supplementing the platform's probabilistic matching with enhanced email and address matching and compliance stewardship workflows to track changes.

The new AI Studio puts advanced analytics into the hands of marketers. Users can choose from a library of models, engage in guided model creation and deployment, and automatically train and optimize fleets of models tuned to business objectives.They can then leverage predictive analytics to score customers and deliver dynamic, highly personalized customer journeys.

Other features include a unified rules workspace that manages inbound and outbound interactions and hundreds of connectors that now include Listrak and Bronto ESPs, Twilio Notify, and Facebook Messenger, and Facebook Custom Audiences for personalized social engagement.

"Digital transformation has resulted in an explosion of customer data and proliferation of touchpoints that are fragmented and siloed, causing major friction during the path to purchase. Marketers historically have been limited in how they interact with this customer data, preventing them from personalizing experiences in the context, cadence, and speed of the customer," said RedPoint Global CEO Dale Renner in a statement. "The RedPoint Customer Engagement Hub resolves these challenges and provides marketers with intuitive tools that empower them to transform the customer experience, using a single customer view and single point of control to deliver personalized interactions that are competitively differentiated."

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