  • August 5, 2016

CustomerCount Adds Text Analytics

CustomerCount, provider of an online customer feedback management system, has teamed with Keatext to incorporate text analytics into its system.

"By capturing unstructured data and reporting it in a structured format, businesses can determine which words and phrases are used most often and in what context," said Bob Kobek, president of CustomerCount, in a statement. "We teamed with Keatext not only because of its ease of use and seamless integration into our existing platform but also because we share the same philosophy of continually improving the customer experience. thereby ensuring greater customer engagement."

CustomerCount will use the new enhancement for text categorization, text clustering, concept/entity extraction, production of granular taxonomies, sentiment analysis, and document summarization.

"We are extremely pleased that CustomerCount has selected us as their partner. They understand that there is a gold mine of important information in people's verbatim comments. Keatext will help them unlock that valuable feedback and make it easy to translate into actionable items to improve customer experience, said Charles-Olivier Simard, vice president of Keatext, in a statement.

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