  • July 28, 2022

ARInsights Enhances Event Manager Solution

ARInsights, provider of a cloud-based platform for managing analyst relations programs, has added to its Event Manager solution with a Scheduling Assistant tool for coordinating meetings.

With Event Manager, available as an add-on module to ARchitect, companies can schedule meetings, invite participants, generate meeting materials, and track interactions from a single platform. And, with the new calendar view, part of the Scheduling Assistant, users can see which time slots are available, for whom and where.

Additional enhancements to Event Manager include the ability to designate multiple meeting areas within an event room, assign participants to those locations at various times, and be alerted when all meeting areas are filled.

"As interest in, and attendance at, corporate events continues to rebound, we see the need to make scheduling analyst meetings quicker and hassle-free," said ARInsights CEO Andy Zimmerman, in a statement. "With Event Manager and our new enhancements, AR teams get full visibility into who's available, when and where. They can avoid scheduling conflicts and book meetings to ensure important knowledge exchanges and contribute to event success."

"ARInsights has a reputation for delivering and often exceeding our expectations," said Jeff Williams, director of digital transformation and analyst relations at Oracle, in a statement. "The Event Manager Scheduling Assistant is a valuable enhancement and will greatly streamline our efforts scheduling analyst meetings during Oracle CloudWorld 2022 in October."

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