  • July 1, 2005
  • By Coreen Bailor, (former) Associate Editor, CRM Magazine

Statistically Speaking

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  • The 2005 Yankelovich Marketing Receptivity Survey, based on results compiled from 600 respondents at least 16 years old in February 2005, reports that 56 percent of the participants avoid buying products that overwhelm them with marketing. Also, 69 percent are interested in products to block, skip, or opt out of marketing, and 54 percent resist exposure to or paying attention to marketing.
  • According to the Frost & Sullivan report, "U.S. Location-based Service (LBS)--Defining the Enterprise Opportunity," location-based services (LBS) will grow nearly six-fold over the next six years as more organizations deploy GPS and other location services for mobile resource management, field force management, field service, and field sales. Revenue for enterprise LBS will grow from the current $160 million to about $1 billion by 2010, with the total market growing from a current 390,000 users to more than 1.6 million by 2007.
  • Organizations will spend approximately $268.7 billion on external services in 2005, representing a 6.6 percent increase from 2004, according to a study by IDC. "U.S. Services Market 2005-2009 Forecast and Analysis: Opportunities by Company Size" also reports that the U.S. services market is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of 7.1 percent through 2009 to an estimated $355 billion.
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