  • July 1, 2007
  • By Colin Beasty, (former) Associate Editor, CRM Magazine

Required Reading: The Complete Marketer

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Back when three networks dominated broadcast TV and the Internet was something only computer geeks had heard of, reaching consumers was easy. Today, cable TV, the Internet, and other forces have changed the game and have broken audiences down into ever-smaller groups interested in niche topics. Rather than advertise to everyone, today's marketers have become savvier, targeting smaller groups with special interests. In Watch This, Listen Up, Click Here, authors David Verklin and Bernice Kanner draw the curtain back to expose why favorite shows get cancelled, why Oprah gives away Pontiacs, and why those who control what we watch, click, and see every day make the decisions they do. CRM's Colin Beasty spoke with David Verklin about the book. CRM magazine:
What influences has online advertising had on traditional media? Verklin: It's shown us the importance of putting ads in front of people that will be interested. Take, for example, IAMS, which makes dog and cat food, and is one of our biggest clients. Recent statistics say that 40 percent of Americans own a dog; if you're the brand manager at IAMS, you don't want to put ads in front of the 60 percent of people who don't. The online medium has taught us a lot about that, and it started with Google and the idea of click-through advertising. Now we're learning about opt-in marketing and behavioral targeting by using cookies to see where you've been and what you've been doing. CRM magazine: Is technology multimedia marketing leading to a resurgence in outdoor advertising? Verklin: This is the second year in a row that the outdoor advertising market will experience record growth. In the age of TiVO and the Internet, an ad on a pole next to the highway is looking smarter and better than ever, because outdoor advertising now has more sophistication as to when and where it's served. Technologically, you're seeing the development of billboards that will use liquid crystal displays, allowing a company to run different ads throughout the course of the day, and billboards that leverage Bluetooth so when you walk by it will ping your cell phone about a sale on shorts at the Gap around the corner. CRM magazine: What will readers find most interesting about the book? Verklin: The marketing program of the future is about running campaigns and messages across multiple media. It will look like the tiles of your bathroom floor, with lots of elements, and lots of pieces that fit together as a whole. To reach the consumer in the future, marketers are going to put a lot of chips on the table with targeted, multimedia campaigns, and that will lead to a renaissance in television advertising. Other Page Turners:
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