
Baker Labs Doubles Leads for Its Healthcare Clients with CallRail

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Baker Labs is a six-person, Knoxville, Tenn.–based agency that helps more than 30 local and national healthcare organizations improve their digital marketing strategies. This effort boils down to helping these organizations track how their customers are finding them, and how effective their customer interactions are.

“In our client relationships, ultimately, we’re judged by what type of results we can produce for them,” explains Gavin Baker, owner of Baker Labs. “And so attribution of how many new clients, patients—whatever they’re tracking—is important. In our case, we were finding that only so much of that tracking that can be done from someone filling out an online form. It differs by industry, but there’s a percentage of the population that would like to make a phone call and talk to a real person, to either book an appointment or have a conversation.”

Baker Labs decided it was time to gain insights about its clients’ phone calls, as well as the online sources that led to those calls. The agency started exploring call tracking software and evaluated four competing solutions before it ultimately chose CallRail. “We looked at ease of use, extensibility, and pricing, and CallRail won the majority of those,” Baker recalls.

Baker Labs deployed CallRail in 2015. The company was using HubSpot to hold its customer records, so it built a custom integration, via Zapier’s app integration service, to get CallRail data linked into it. With the integration in place, Bakers Labs was able to start capturing the data its clients were getting from customer phone calls.

“It was the first time we had done call tracking, so there were some elements we had to figure out,” Baker says. “About a month or a month and a half after we started using CallRail, they came out with their own HubSpot integration that worked even better than the one we’d built.”

The process is fairly straightforward, Baker says. The company simply places a line of code on its clients’ websites. Then the system generates a different local phone number for each visitor that comes to its online property, taking into account the source they were browsing that led them to the page. “We know, in our reporting, how many people called because of Google organic search, or how many people came in through Facebook, or how many people came through advertising,” Baker explains. “And that helps us understand which of our digital campaigns is working really well for us. Beyond that, it’s helpful because it can tell us what page they were on on the website when they called.”

Since CallRail can sync the data it records with Google Analytics and also integrate with the ad tracking software of Baker Labs’ clients, Baker Labs can “provide value for clients without having to build out custom solutions,” Baker notes.

The company can also see, for example, how many calls a client had on a given day and how many of them resulted in doctors’ appointments. “That’s in addition to the other appointments that were set via an online form or leads that come in that way,” Baker says. Importantly, it can track the calls that go unanswered and lead to voice mail. “As long as the phone’s ringing, there’s near immediate impact.”

CallRail’s call recording capabilities gave Baker Labs insight into the nature of the calls their clients were receiving. “We were able to give feedback to our clients on how their calls were being handled,” Baker says. “We also learned about questions particular clients were asking when [customers] called in.”

Thanks to the insights from CallRail’s call tracking and analytics solutions, Baker Labs was able to double the number of leads its clients attracted, Baker says.

“I want to see more of our clients take advantage of call tracking, because ultimately it’s in everyone’s best interest,” Baker says. The software, he notes, gives users a far more complete picture of their customer interactions. “For us, what’s next is how do we continue to build it into our offerings with more and more clients so that they can see the full value of their efforts, and so we can show them that value.”

The Payoff

Since implementing CallRail's call tracking and recording software, Baker Labs has:

  • gained insight into customer phone calls to help its clients improve online marketing and customer service efforts; and
  • doubled the incoming leads for its clients. 

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