11:45 - 12:30
How Professional Sports Teams Are Leveraging Customer Engagement to Create Fans for Life
The battle for a customer's discretionary share of wallet is fierce and ongoing. Not only do sports compete on the field with each other, they compete for customer spend with movies, restaurants, concerts and staying at home. But they have a unique advantage that almost no other industry has—their advocates already exist—they don't have to strive for them, but instead have to figure out how to handle them so they remain fans. This experienced and fun panel of current and former sports practitioners tells you their stories—the programs, approaches, and thinking they used to translate the passion of their fans into benefits to the bottom lines of their organizations.
Presenters: Christine Stoffel, CEO/Founder & Managing Partner, SEAT; SEAT Global Magazine & The Executive Advocates &
Mike King, Director, Business Strategy & Analytics, Brooklyn Sports and Entertainment