April 9-11, 2018 | Renaissance Washington DC Hotel


Tobias Goebel

Tobias Goebel
Senior Director Emerging Technologies
Product Management and Marketing
Aspect Software, Inc.

Tobias is Senior Director, Emerging Technologies at Aspect. He has over 15 years of experience in customer care technology and the contact center industry with roles spanning engineering, consulting, pre-sales, product management, and product marketing. As part of Aspect's product management and marketing team today, he is responsible for business alliances around emerging technologies and works on defining the future of the mobile customer experience, bringing together channels such as mobile apps, messaging, voice, and social. He is a frequent speaker and blogger on topics around customer service and, more recently, the (re-)emerging chatbot, NLP, and AI technologies. Tobias holds a Master’s degree in Computational Linguistics, Phonetics, and Computer Science from the universities of Bonn, Germany and Edinburgh, UK. Born and raised in Germany, he moved to the US in 2010 and now lives in the Boston area with his wife, cat, and Alexa. 

CRM Evolution 2018

CRM Evolution 2013

Monday, August 19, 2013

2:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. C104: Solution Sessions

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