The Future of IVR in Customer Support: You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby!

Sponsored By: Aspect, SmartAction, Empirix, Freshdesk and Genesys

Customers overwhelmingly use the phone to resolve their customer service problems and to escalate from Web or chat when those digital channels fail to meet their needs.

Interactive voice response (IVR) systems have carried the heavy load of customer inquiries for decades.

DOWNLOAD this special Best Practices Guide and learn how IVR’s have evolved to meet the high standard of current customers, while still shouldering the bulk of customer interactions.

  • Defining The Future Of Self-Service With Natural Language Understanding — From IVRs to Messaging Apps from Aspect

  • It’s Time to Start Thinking About IVR Differently from Smartaction

  • The Future of IVR Customer Service Assurance from Empirix

  • The Future of Interactive Voice Response (IVR) In Customer Support from Freshdesk

  • Has Your IVR Come A Long Way? Join The Next-Gen Self-Service Revolution! from Genesys

 In the following installment of CRM magazine’s Best Practices series, we’ll see how advances in both technology and processes have enabled modern IVRs to strengthen the value of next-generation self-service integrated solutions for customers and organizations alike.