  • September 6, 2013

TeamVisibility Releases New Version of Its Sales Performance Improvement Platform

TeamVisibility, provider of a cloud-based sales performance management solution, is releasing a new version of its sales coaching platform.

TeamVisibility's updated platform establishes a complete sales coaching workflow. Sales reps' calls are captured and stored in the cloud, where reps can evaluate, score, and share them with their sales managers. Managers can listen to the reps' calls, review their scores, and offer individualized feedback. Reps and managers alike can flag specific call clips and store them in a best-practices library, allowing the whole sales organization to learn from one another and create a performance-based culture.

Roger Hodskins, vice president of sales at TeamVisibility, identifies the new Rep Scorecard as a game-changer. "After a game, NFL players watch their game tape to figure out what to do differently next time," he said in a statement. "The Rep Scorecard allows sales reps to do the same thing. Reps' sales calls are recorded and stored in the cloud, so reps can assess their own performance using a scorecard created by their manager. And the scorecard can be updated as a rep develops, so each rep can continue to build on their particular strengths."

In addition to the Rep Scorecard, the new release offers improved capabilities that help sales managers coach reps more efficiently. Hodskins said making sales coaching less of a manual process is something managers have been asking for. "Sales managers already have so much on their plates. And while sales coaching can be time-consuming, it's incredibly important. TeamVisibility compresses the amount of time needed for sales coaching by letting sales managers and sales reps focus on the most important sales calls: the good ones, the bad ones, the ones that reveal how a rep can improve and increase sales."

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